Welcome boys and girls and aliens alike :)

hello visitors, the name is Madori:] as if you didn't already know that n_n So i had to make this blog, and im not quite sure how to use it yet :D well anyways hope you have fun on here .-.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The inventation :]

The Menu ^-^


Salad: French green lentils, crisp lettuce and cucumbers, fresh kale (cabbage), all sprinkled with a little bit of vinegar on top. Also juicy tomato slices on the side.
Appetizer 1: Succulent snails, boiled clams, with a side of honey smoked dormouse.
Appetizer 2: Saute goatfish with lemon zest, toasted bread with honey, along with some elder, mallow, and orache blended together and perfectly seasoned.
Main course: Your choosing of smoked geese, swan, or peacock along with breaded and baked shoulder of hare. Fresh bread and steamed veggies which include broccoli, carrots, asparagus, and peas with a side of zesty vinegar dressing to accompany the variety of meats. A variety of cheeses to add with your bread.
Sorbet: Brightly colored lemon and lime swirl sprinkled with lemon and lime zest to add a little pizzazz.
Dessert 1: Honey covered bread with a side of a perfected cheese and ripened strawberries.
Dessert 2: fruit medley, “make your own bowl” your choice of fruit between grapes, pomegranates, various types of apples, apricots, peaches, cherries, pears, plums, strawberries, blackberries, elderberries, mulberries, and raspberries. A side of sugar to make a nice fruit syrup in your bowl.

Appia's Guest List and seating:]

Guest List:
1. Marcianna McCauley
2. Rufina Mason
3. Tatiana Talbott
4.Marcus Harris
5.Aulus David
6.Decima Strawder
7.Quintia Ware
8.Camilla Robinson
9. Pomponia Suder
10. Horatia Kyle
Theme: Ninja samurai apparel:]

Seating:D (if you don't like it, too bad >:D)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Education in Japan:]

 It would be awesome to study in Japan, because I am in love with that country.:] Studying there would help me learn even more about their amazing country. Their school system is similar to ours with the classes, age of starting, and other things as well. The courses include studying our language throughout their whole school career, which to me is pretty cool. They have student exchange programs to help translate English to them, and I would love to participate in something like that.
The different levels of education are very similar to ours. In Japan you only have to go to school from kindergarten to the end of junior high, but the majority of kids proceed onto going to high school. You start school around five or six, just like how we do here, and you would finish high school around seventeen or eighteen. The criteria are you have to be the right age, and you have to be able to pay for your schooling.
 In Japan you have to pay to go to school, and some kids take extra tutoring after school which also costs. The main reason for tutoring is not only to help you study, but also to keep the kids off the streets, and in a safer environment. Depending on the school, the prices could be higher or lower. It costs more to go to a private school than public, and the average cost to go to public is around $2,350.
There are some differences in the schooling between our countries. When you go to school there you switch your shoes to a pair that you keep in the school. Instead of the kids switching from classroom to classroom, the teacher does. To me this makes more sense because that way you won’t have to worry about tardy students, and less people in a congested hallway. Of course there you have to pay to go to school, unlike us who get a free education.
A typical day would consist of going to school, changing your shoes, learning the subjects of history math science and English, then as most would go to tutoring afterwards. Basically there school day is like ours, except we don’t switch shoes for indoors. Japan would be a fun county to study abroad. Maybe one day I’ll have an opportunity to do that:]

Monday, November 14, 2011

Japanese Christmas and sweet treats :]


Satsumaimo Chakin Shibori(sweet potato cakes)

 Yield: 10 small cakes


  • 1 lb satsumaimo (sweet potatoes), peeled and cut into half-inch thick rounds
  • 3 Tbsp sugar
  • juice from 1/2 lemon


  1. Soak satsumaimo(sweet potatoes) in water for about 15 minutes.
  2. Drain satsumaimo(sweet potatoes) and put in a medium pan.
  3. Pour water to cover the satsumaimo(sweet potatoes).
  4. Boil until satsumaimo is softened.
  5. Drain and put the satsumaimo in a bowl.
  6. Mash satsumaimo.
  7. Add sugar and mix well.
  8. Add lemon juice and mix well.
  9. Put a small ball of mashed satsumaimo in a cheesecloth or a sheet of plastic wrap.
  10. Gather ends and twist the cloth or plastic wrap to leave some patterns on the surface.
  11. Unwrap it.
I changed the recipe some, it had raisins and i don't like raisins. yucky
     6 Facts:
    1. christmas introduced in the 16th century by the Europeans
    2. celebrated just like us, but it's not a national holiday
    3. decorate homes,gives presents to friends and family, and cook a special meal
    4. traditional japanese food is a christmas cake
    5 they go out and buy their gifts, so their are no presents under their tree
    6. their trees arent big but small ones